I was thinking to myself the other day, "I've never been so unhappy with my weight in my life. Was the hysterectomy really worth it?"
I decided it was, but there have definitely been some big pros and cons. It's important for me to remember the pros when I get down about my weight. I've gone through a lot of those pros and cons on here before, but here's a refresher list.
decreased sex drive
vaginal dryness
a big enough weight gain to put me into the morbidly obese category
increased risk of heart disease
weakened joints, higher risk of injury
hot flashes
sleep disruption
my skin is kind of weird now, like, flakey and scaly (this actually gets thrown in with the pros, becauase now I can justify buying lots of Arbonne stuff!)
no more crippling pain
don't have to cut my workouts short because I'm doubled over on the floor
don't have to double over when I sneeze.
no more avoiding certain sex positions or biting into a pillow and screaming during intercourse (unless it's from pleasure)
no possibility of pain pill addiction and/or liver disease (that's a huge pro considering my dad's addiction to pain meds and his mental illness ruined his life, his marriage, and his relationship with his kids)
no accidental pregnancies (woohoo!)
I could probably list some more, but it would require too much thinking.
Kudos to my big sister Tyne. She's been struggling with her weight as well, and I was excited to learn today that she has lost 14 pounds!! Keep it up Tiny, I love you and I know you'll be happier!
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