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A menopausal 30 year old, over two years after hysterectomy, struggling with body changes and weight gain.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Since I've been complaining to my new doctor here in Des Moines about my back so much, he sent me to an orthopedist.  I thought I'd be getting an MRI to check on my bulging discs, and I thought I'd be getting some more help with pain, at least until up to my surgery.  I thought he'd offer me different pain medication or an epidural or steroids or something.
Instead, it was the most useless fucking appointment ever.  I'm pretty pissed off about it.  I've been to a lot of doctors and most of them have been shitty, so I don't know why I thought this would be any different.
I gave an extremely detailed account of my back trouble to the nurse and watched her type it all up as I talked, so I know that fucker had all of the information.
I had two x-rays taken.  One from the front and one from the side.
The doctor came in, wearing a big gold chain around his neck and sat down.  I instantly knew he was a piece of shit.  He asked what I was taking so I told him I was on Diclophenac, Flexeril, Lortab, and a glucosamine supplement.  I also told him I was having gastric bypass on March 4th.
He got up once and tested my reflexes then sat back down.

This next part is why I REALLY need to take someone with me to my doctor's appointments.  For as mouthy and opinionated as I am, I freeze up in the doctor's office and never plead my case like I should.

He said the x-rays show clear disc deterioration, but there was no reason to take an MRI.

*I thought, but didn't say, my x-rays in 2006 showed the same thing, but the bulging only showed up on an MRI, so why shouldn't he do another one?*

He said he doesn't recommend surgery.  Fine.  I don't want back surgery.  Some of my uncles have had their vertebrae fused and they're miserable.

He said taking Lortab was a big mistake and had no therapeutic value and would only make me constipated.  He then said he has severely degenerated discs and he doesn't use pain medication.  He just deals with it and so should I.

*I thought, how the hell am I supposed to function?  I've missed at LEAST a week's worth of work and several days of classes because I can't even get out of bed the pain is so bad.  And I have diarrhea all the time, jackass.  But again, I didn't say anything.*

He said I need intensive physical therapy because my muscles are weak.

*I DID say I had done physical therapy before, but they told me they couldn't help me after 3 appointments because it hurt too much for them to touch me.*

I'm fine doing physical therapy again.  It struck me as odd that the last office I went to sent me away. I've been in physical therapy several times before, and it's never comfortable.  They always stretch the crap out of me because my muscles are so tight, but the last office that said they couldn't help never had me do stretches.

So I'm out of pain killers again, and now have to call my regular doctor to see if I can get a refill for a month and ask him to stop referring me to dick holes.

I have a sneaking suspicion this guy didn't take me seriously because of how fat I am.  He never mentioned my weight, but my snap judgements have a good track record.

I would like to add one more thing.  I haven't had a doctor's appointment this ridiculous since I was trying to find help with my uterus.  It took 14 years for someone to take me seriously.  I was laughed at, told I was exaggerating, told there was nothing wrong, and TOLD TO JUST GET PREGNANT.

*I did say something to the pregnancy guy, but my mom was with me so I was more confident.  I told him to jump on and do it himself because I was not in the market of OTC sperm and a shitty baby I didn't want.*

Anyway, that's that.  I'll call the physical therapist and keep going to my chiropractor and keep hoping that losing weight is going to make this infinitely better.  (Even though I had severe issues before I got super obese).

William Boulden.  Fuck face extraordinaire.

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