About Me

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A menopausal 30 year old, over two years after hysterectomy, struggling with body changes and weight gain.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cock Sucking Body

WA was pretty great tonight.  The woman who was instructing (Jan?) was a badass like Sheryl at the Newton YMCA.  I hurt all over.  Not necessarily in a good way.  My upper back is spasming and my ankle is swollen up to my calf again.
My hot flashes suck and I can't sleep because I'm hot, my back hurts, and I'm out of Ambien.  The pharmacy left me a message, so maybe they let me fill it early.  Tonight I'm trying a melatonin pill, 2 unisom pain relief, and 2 advil pm.  I didn't sleep at all last night, so I'm desperate.
I've had to take 2-3 Ambien lately, and that worries me.  I figured I would just always be on Ambien, but I was reading about it and it's only for short term insomnia.  You're not supposed to take it for very long.  I've been on it for a year.  Oops.  Not that I ever pay attention to drug warnings.
I'm gonna make melatonin part of my regular line up.  It's supposed to help prevent breast cancer and ease menopause symptoms.
I'm going to ask my doctor about Chlonidine in August.  Nathan takes it to help him sleep.  It knocks him out pretty quickly and he's been on it since he was little.  It's prescribed for blood pressure mostly, but it's also used as a sleep aid and, SURPRISE, a menopause drug.  Something about regulating the blood pressure helps with hot flashes.  I don't know.

On an unrelated note, I'm not ready for my anatomy test tomorrow.


  1. yeah, there's quite a few kids at work on Clonidine, but I think it's more for ADHD :P

  2. Mike's friend who used to be on Ambien (the same friend of his who would drive and go out and buy things all while on Ambien, then have no recollection of it the next morning) was taking a lot too, for too long and became addicted to it. Her doctor got really worried about it, and how they finally broke her of it was that they made her come into a sleep clinic for a few weeks to put her on a doctor enforced bedtime. They basically FORCED her to lay down and go to bed at the exact same time every night and FORCED her to wake up at the exact same time every morning. They also wouldn't allow her to nap. The rigid sleep schedule they put her on finally shocked her body enough that she naturally started to feel tired and wake up around the times they set. And after she got out of the sleep clinic, her husband helped her keep enforcing those bedtimes and wake-up times.

    Granted, she wasn't post-menopausal, so because of your hot flashes and stuff I don't know if you would have the same effectiveness with that.
