This post is for Dee. I haven't updated in awhile and she's about to go crazy.
So there's not really much to update I suppose. I haven't lost any weight and I haven't gained any weight.
I've been a real hobo and haven't been wearing the bodybugg or counting my calories. I just keep thinking "what's the point?" It all feels like novelty right now. Count calories, see what you're burning so...... nothing will happen. I just realized that's pretty stupid. As my estrogen increases I should be keeping a vigilant eye.
Also, just because I'm not losing any weight doesn't mean I shouldn't watch what I eat.
I'll have to get back in that mindset. I'm all depressed right now about job hunting.
Hmm, I just had a thought then promptly forgot what it was. Damn.
Oh, I think it was about exercise. There were several days I wasn't doing shit because my back and knees and ankles were killing me, but I'm back up and walking and doing shit. I've been in Grinnell for awhile now helping Tron out with painting the high school set. I'm on my feet for 3-8 hours running around the shop, up and down ladders, and getting some strength stuff in. Of course I go home and my back hurts, and I wake up and my back hurts, but I've got to keep moving. It's absolutely essential.
Also, Nathan got a job, so I'll be more inclined to do my cardio and resistance bands since I can't just hang out with him all day.
Yesterday I felt pretty good about myself. I didn't walk around feeling obese the whole day. I felt like a human. Maybe it's because I was out and about. Whatev.
What?!?!? You haven't been using your body bugg? We didn't get you that for christmas for you not to use it. at least you keep track for shits and giggles. just see what your downfalls are and your strengths when it comes to weight. and putting your thoughts on here was supposed to help too. like hey i'm bored and ate a lot of cookies today.....or hey i'm stressed and put instead of stuffing my mouth, i went out and walked. You're an emotional binge eater....your hormones are screwed up because of your lack of with it. i love you but you need some tough love right now. you need to pull your head of your ass and deal with life. instead of saying what's the point....the point is, the healthy you are, the happier you'll be and the longer your friends get to have you around. so there.